Movers & Shakers

MOVERS & SHAKERS (Toddlers 18 – 36 months)

Wednesdays: 10:15 a.m. — 10:45 a.m.

A story time featuring books, finger rhymes, interactive songs, instruments, and a take-home coloring project. This program highlights movement, identification, and working on fine motor skills. 


***New for Fall***

Please include the total number of children and adults in your registration; please include siblings who will be present but not participating. 

Registration opens one week prior to scheduled session; space is limited.

Please arrive a few minutes early. Bring a blanket or something similar to sit on. Story time will move into the Meeting Hall in case of inclement weather or other extenuating circumstances. The decision will be made the morning of. 

Per state guidelines, children ages 2 to 12 must wear a mask indoors. Please plan accordingly. Per the Town of Jamestown, ALL patrons are strongly encouraged to wear a mask indoors.

Room Reservation: 
Wednesday, September 29
Program Time: 
10:15am - 10:45am
Event Category: 
Event Location: 
Name of Organization: 
Jamestown Philomenian Library
Contact Name: 
Colleen LeBeau
Contact Phone Number: 
Contact Email: