Saturday, January 16, 2021
12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
COVID got you staying home? Have you completed the same puzzle more than once? Ready for a new one?
Come to the Jamestown Philomenian Library Jigsaw Puzzle Swap
and keep your puzzle collection fresh!
Bring any 300+ piece puzzle without any missing pieces to trade for one that is new-to-you.
Spread the word so there will be more puzzles to choose from.
1. 300+ jigsaw puzzles with no missing pieces may be dropped off at the library. Puzzles will be accepted up until Saturday, January 9 at 2:00 pm
2. Only gently used puzzles in their original box with no missing pieces will be accepted for the swap. Please place all puzzle pieces in a Ziploc bag inside the box for added security.
3. You will receive one swap ticket for each puzzle you submit. Use these swap tickets on the day of the event to claim your new puzzle(s).
4. You do not need to participate in the swap to donate puzzles. Donations of puzzles for this swap are gratefully accepted as long as they meet the submission criteria.
5. Any puzzles left at the end of the swap will be considered the property of the Jamestown Philomenian Library.
For questions call 401 423-7280 or email