Taxpayers Association of Jamestown
Monthly meeting of the Taxpayers Association of Jamestown
Monthly meeting of the Taxpayers Association of Jamestown
Based on one's knowledge of getting off of the mooring to go somewhere, think about the sailing plan as a pyramid. What is the base? What tools make up the middle? Are apps only the pointy part? We will put a chart out and build up to using apps.
This presentation will describe the various boat systems in order to troubleshoot simple problems.
The JHS will present a one-hour video of last October's JHS Cemetery Tour - Stories in Stone. Eight re-enactors in period costume tell the stories of early Jamestowners. After the film, attendees will have a chance to talk with some of the creative people who put this project together.
Refreshments will be served.
Donations are welcome for this event being co-sponsored by the Jamestown Philomenian Library.
Planning meeting to kick-off 2022 season for Jamestown Golf Travel League
Quononoquott Garden Club Monthly Board Meeting
This short course will provide information needed by our sailing community about being equipped for medical needs while on a boat.
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Monthly meeting
Monthly meeting