"Afghanistan 2017-2020: A Perspective"
Colonel Bob Cassidy, Military Professor of Strategy and Policy, U.S. Naval War College
Colonel Bob Cassidy, Military Professor of Strategy and Policy, U.S. Naval War College
Community Conversation with Senator Jack Reed
LWVRI Board Meeting
League of Women Voters of RI Biennial Convention
The monthly art association board meeting.
computer and web site discussion
Monthly meeting of the Taxpayers' Association of Jamestown
A public showing of the film Don't Tell Anyone (No Le Digas a Nadie) 75 min. brings to light several issues regarding one woman's story. Angy Rivera had two crucial secrets in her life. The first was that she was an undocumented child living with her mother and siblings in New York City for 19 years. The second secret was more tragic: Rivera had been sexually abused by her stepfather from ages 4 to 8, a secret she eventually revealed and which, in the strange world of immigration law, helped her gain the visa she had always desired.
The Jamestown Women's Club Annual Easter Egg Hunt will be held at the Godena Farm at 896 North Road, weather permitting. In the event of rain, the hunt will be held at the Jamestown Philomenian Library. Weather updates will be posted on the "Jamestown Women's Club" Facebook page. The event is free and open to all Jamestown residents.
Computer Group meeting