Annual Summer Book Sale
Annual Summer Book Sale
Annual Summer Book Sale
Annual Summer Book Sale
10:00 am until 7:30 pm.
Annual Summer Book Sale
Annual Summer Book Sale
Annual Summer Book Sale
Preview for Friends of Jamestown Philomenian Library only.
If you haven't become a Friend of the Library yet, please join this great group!
In June, the members of all of the Book Clubs (Grades 1-2, Grades 3-4, Grades 5-6 and Grades 7 and Up) are invited to come discuss their favorite books on Wednesday, June 21 at 3:00 p.m.
This new book club is for kids in first and second grade. We will meet in May in order to discuss Mercy Watson to the Rescue.
Copies of the book are available behind the Circulation Desk. Please remember to register as well so that Miss Lisa knows how many snacks to buy!
For those who have completed the SRP and have handed in their Bingo cards by Friday, August 11.
Come treat yourselves to a make-it-yourself ice cream sundae for all of your hard work!
Ice cream, book giveaways, and raffle prizes will abound, as well as games, at this fun evening for our super readers!
Don’t forget that the prizes and fun will continue when you go back to Melrose and Lawn Schools so be sure to complete the Summer Reading Program.
Join the Great Baldini and his assistant Skinny on a magical journey. As the audience chants Skinny's name, the magic begins to happen. Everyone will discover that reading can be fun and entertaining. A real crowd-pleaser for all ages!