
Meet Author: Shamus Flaherty

Shamus Flaherty will be joined by arborist Matt “Twig” Largess
to discuss Flaherty’s most recent novel, Treehugger.
Treehugger is a work of fiction based on the real life heroics of
Largess, who left behind a life of debauchery and apathy to
become one of the leading preservationists of old growth
forests in America.
Topics of discussion will also include writing, the environment,
recovery and life.
Presented by the Friends of the Library

The Cardiovascular Benefits of Exercise

Did you know February is American Heart Month? The American Heart Associate recommends staying active to fight obesity and heart disease, as well as to live a healthy life.

Dr. Joseph Weiss will be speaking on the benefits of exercise to keep your heart healthy. Dr. Weiss is a cardiologist at Newport Hospital, specializing in adults with congenital heart disease. This program is free and open to the public.

Sponsored by the Friends of the Jamestown Philomenian Library. 


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