
Jamestown Historical Society Annual Meeting

Annual Meeting of the Jamestown Historical Society
Charlotte Taylor, author of the recently published Images of American: Rhode Island Shipwrecks, will be the guest speaker at the Jamestown Historical Society annual meeting on Monday, August 7, at the Jamestown Philomenian Library, 26 North Road. Her talk will focus on the shipwrecks she has researched for the book and is co-sponsored by the library.

Local Update of Census Addresses (LUCA) & American Fact Finder Workshop

The U.S. Census Bureau NY-RCC will be having a presentation for the upcoming Local Update of Census Addresses (LUCA) Program & American Fact Finder Workshop.

Part 1 -The presentation will be an informational session about what the LUCA Program is, how it impacts the community/region and how Rhode Island municipal county and government entities can get involved with the program.


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