
Knit Apaplooza


Saturday, April 7 from 1-4 pm.  Jamestown Library


Bring your leftover yarn , unused materials, needles , projects etc.  

Find something new on our Swap Table 


Needles Galore knitters will “model” some of  our favorite projects.  We hope you’ll share yours with us


Drawing for door prizes

World War One Discussion Group

The Jamestown Community Chorus is preparing concerts for May entitled "Over There-A Musical Remembrance of The War To End All Wars." We would like to invite mall interested community groups and individuals to discuss what can be done to commemorate World War One in music, poetry, readings, lectures and film for the citizens of Jamestown.

Adult Coloring Club

Please join us for the Thursday afternoon Adult Coloring Club. Banish stress and anxiety for a couple of hours by giving your brain a rest and your fine motor skills a workout. Supplies are provided but it's fine to bring your own.


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