Rhody Grows Hope in Jamestown

SISA, Sustainability In Small Actions is a community learning program for the year-round Jamestowners to take small actions for, and practice collective sustainability. It is offered as community workshops and events, and is based on Rhody Grows Hope, a container gardening program that reduces environmental waste by repurposing various types of recyclables.  

EVENT 1| Rhody Grows Hope in Jamestown

WHEN: Saturday, March 15, 2025, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM 

WHERE: Jamestown Philomenian Library, Sydney Wright Room

WHO:  Roger Marshall* and Susan Shim Gorelick**, both Jamestown residents and master gardeners. Susan will facilitate the event, featuring Roger as guest speaker. 

Rhody Grows Hope (RGH) https://cc4es2.wixsite.com/rhodygrowshope is a container gardening program that repurpose recyclables as containers to grow food while reducing environmental waste, and is created by CC4ES, Coalition Center for Environmental Sustainability, https://www.cc4es.org/. 

Gardening initiates a comprehensive integration of food paths from growing food, cooking, reducing food waste, composting, green entrepreneurship, and environmental stewardship essential for cultivating regenerative sustainability. At this event, RGH focuses on health benefits from gardening to grow food and houseplants, connecting sustainability with our well-being.  It’s an introduction to Sustainability In Small Actions, SISA, a community learning program that advocates to take small actions for, and practice sustainability collectively for community-wide regeneratively healthy and sustainable living.


  • Register for this event by emailing Susan Goreick at susan.gorelick@cc4es.org.  Please note that this event is capped at 20 participants.  
  • Start your SISA journal with your thoughts after viewing this video, The diet that helps fight climate change,  https://youtu.be/nUnJQWO4YJY, (5 min 40 sec.), and answer the following questions:
    • How does growing our own food influence what and how we eat?
    • What does gardening have anything to do with sustainability? 
    • How do we benefit from gardening and houseplants?
  • Bring houseplants to swap or donate for the 2nd Chance Book Garden projects


  • Roger Marshall’s presentation with hands-on activities – planting seeds for spring garden seedlings and houseplant propagation.
  • Susan Gorelick’s group discussion and reflection on sustainability with RGH 
  • Houseplant swap/donation for the 2nd Chance Book Garden causes, https://cc4es2.wixsite.com/2ndchancebookgarden 
Room Reservation: 
Saturday, March 15
Program Time: 
10:00am - 12:00pm
Event Category: 
Event Location: 
Name of Organization: 
Contact Name: 
Sue Gorelick
Contact Phone Number: 
Contact Email: 